Meet Our Pastor

About Pastor Paul#

Dr. Paul M. Campoli, is a man of deep spiritual conviction who feels blessed to serve the Midport Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor Paul draws on a wealth of educational and life experience to bring a unique perspective to the quest for Truth and the search for meaning and purpose in life.

He holds several degrees, including a Batchelor of Science in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University, a B.A. in Theology from Southern College, along with a Master of Divinity and a Doctorate from Andrews University. He has been married to his beautiful wife, Kimberly since 1991, and together they are the proud parents of two awesome children. Pastor Paul graduated from Penn State in 1986 and soon after moved to Florida to pursue a career in business. But God had other plans!!!

It was December 1990 in Daytona Beach, that the LORD found him and dramatically changed his life forever. By July of 1991 Paul was enrolled at Southern College studying for the Ministry. Upon graduation from Southern in 1994, he attended the Seventh-day Adventist Seminary at Andrews University, earning a Master of Divinity degree in 1996. Since that time, he has pastored several churches in Florida. Before accepting the call to serve the Midport Church, Paul and Kim have pastored in Florida nearly 24 years—the last 13 of which have been serving as pastor in Sarasota, Florida. Paul goal remains the same as it has been since God called him to full-time pastoral ministry—to simply be the man God desires him to be, doing what God wants him to do, where he wants him to do it. It is his greatest joy in life to be used by God to help people come to personally know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.